Using the Ellyn Satter Approach: Feeding Children

As a parent, it can be challenging to know what your responsibilities are when it comes to your child’s eating. Today I am going to discuss Ellyn Satter’s Division of Responsibility in Feeding. If you haven’t already, I recommend reading her book Your Child’s Weight Helping Without Harming. Her guidelines provide a way to create a positive relationship between you are your child. Ellyn is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and Family Therapist. She created the Satter Feeding Dynamics Read more [...]

Tis the Season: Fruits and Vegetables in Season Now

We are well on our way into this spring season! It can be useful to know what fruits and vegetables are in season because that is when they typically taste the best. Also, fruits and vegetables that are picked during their peak can contain a few extra of those vitamins and minerals which is an added bonus! Buying in season can help you slim down the cost of your groceries. If you are wanting to buy produce that is not in season and doesn’t look as fresh from the produce section, consider buying Read more [...]

What is the Role of a Registered Dietitian

With so much nutrition advice being put out daily, it is important to know if the information you are getting is coming from qualified professionals. Registered dietitian and nutritionist sound similar so does that mean they both have received the same amount of education? The answer to this is no… Anyone can call themselves a nutritionist but not everyone can call themselves a Registered Dietitian. Nutritionist, in most states, are free from government regulation, meaning they do not need to Read more [...]