At Simply Nutrition we truly believe a healthy gut is the cornerstone of good health. When our gut is damaged or not functioning properly we can experience a cascade of effects that can extend beyond gastrointestinal issues. While constipation, diarrhea, bloating, and chronic stomach aches can signal problems in our guts, other systems or organs can also be affected by an unhealthy GI system.
Symptoms including skin issues, autoimmune diseases and chronic fatigue can signal that the gut is not functioning properly. Often times, we begin to experience symptoms because of undetected food sensitivities that can cause chronic inflammation and damage our microbiome over time. For more information on food sensitivities see our FAQ’s.
Our Gut Health Programs are based on the 5 R’s of functional nutrition. Functional nutrition involves looking deep into our own bodies for answers and addressing the root cause of disease rather than trying to mask or ignore symptoms. With functional nutrition we examine diet and family history, labs, environmental stressors, medications-all factors that can impact health-to be able to treat you as a whole.